Saturday, January 15, 2011

Snow Days: Good or Bad?

In light of having 4 snow days in a row (yay!), I want to know what you think about them. We've got a lot of material to cover, and now we have 4 less days to get it all done in! It might not seem like that much time, but think about how much we cover in a week! I would like to know if you think the snow days are good or bad, and an explanation for why you think that. Please feel free to comment on each other's posts as well Remember, play nice!

Post any pictures of the snow you have too!


  1. I think that snow days aren't so great because we fall behind in class and then cram to catch up and it just makes everything stressful.

  2. They are good because we need a break every once in awhile. Just sucks to make up work

  3. Snow days are amazinnnng, but it's hard to catch up and remember all the material we learned. So in the end, we had fun, but coming back to school is pretty rough.

  4. I think snow days are a lot of fun because we get to sleep in and play in the snow but I hate making up the work and having teachers cram in all in.

  5. I think that snowdays are bittersweet. Its nice to have a break but really in truly its not a break because you have to keep up with school. And if you don't keep up with school, you have to cram.

  6. Snow days are so fun! To be able to give our brains a break from school and not have to think about it for a while is so nice for us. Yet, we have to think about what we are going to forget, which is pretty much everything we learned throughout the 5 days prior to our snow day(s). But as long as we have a or a couple days to review... snow days are great!! :)

  7. Snow days are great for when you are stressed and need a break from school and homework. But I think that snow days are bad because when reality hits, you have to go back to school eventually and start school again and catch up on homework, etc. and then not only are the teachers are frustrated about having to catch up to where they want to be, but the students also suffer because we have tons of homework and tests in order to get where we need to be.... which is why i think that multiple snow days in a row is bad.

  8. I think that snow days are a great way to relieve stress for many students knowing they have a few days out of school, buttt.. in the long run it isnt so great because it actually puts more stress on all of the students because we are soooooo far behind in work and have to catch up on homework and tests and it DOES affect grades!!!!

  9. snow days are the best, but they do kinda stink when we have to go back to school because its hard to remember all the stuff we learned, and go back to our quizzes and tests and stuff.

  10. Getting off school is nice, but catching up with all the work we missed sucks. So I guess it's kind of in the middle.

  11. snow days are great because you get out of school but when we go back to school it sucks because we have so much work we missed and then we have to make it up and the teachers put loads of work on you and it gets stresful

  12. Slade freakin white says.....

    snow days are awesome bc we all need a break especially from the time from christmas break to spring break. we have nothing.... i say when we get out we should just forget about the work we had that day. then everybody would be happy and life would be so much easier for errrbody.

  13. I really love snow days and I hope we use all ten of them :)! I feel like cramming work in last minute is totally worth it. Although, not gonna lie, this week has been pretty stressful. Oh well...

  14. Snow days are a nice break but having four in a row was rough because when I came back I forgot everything I learned!

  15. Snow days are good. I'll take any excuse to get out of school. My neighborhood gets iced over and i dont care about making up the work, the teachers just get rid of the unimportant stuff.

  16. Snow days are definitely a good thing. They give you time to both relax, and though most people don't see it this way, more time to study the material you've learned. So, if you take advantage of them, snow days can become very academically useful.

  17. Getting out for snow days would be awesome if the teachers didnt try and cram all the materials that we missed into one day. If we just went on like we didnt miss any school then they would be much better.

  18. I think snow days are good and bad. Everyone needs a few days off here and there so we can rest.Its pretty much needed for us to survive school. But coming back to all the makeup work and cramming tests/quizzes/projects into a few days when they originally were going to be like a week long thing is not fun AT ALL. because no one remembers info they were taught a week befor going back after snow days.

  19. I think both. Everything always has benefits and disadvantages.
    Benefits: everyone gets a well deserved break,if you're a super student, extra days to study, or procrastinating days for the other students.
    Disadvantages: forget what you learned, leave important materials at school, get behind on school work/lessons.
    Even know snowdays are enjoyable, they deff put a LOT more stress on me with trying to catch up on school work and what what missed those days

  20. I think snow days can be both a good thing and a bad thing. I think snow days are good thing because we got out of school and we get to enjoy the snow. I think snow days are a bad thing because we get behind in class and sometimes forget what we learned the days we were out.

  21. I think snow days give us the break we sometimes need. School can be stressful and every once in a while snow days help up get back on track and focused. The 4 snow days we had were amazing! But catching up in math, especially, is hard. Unless you have an awesome teacher.. (:

  22. Nathan "the spider" Traczewski says...

    I think snow days are great but not when they're in that large of amount. We got too behind and ultimately ending up all probably failing that quiz yesterday..

  23. I think snow days are a good thing because even though we may have less days to learn the material considering our class and how easily distracted we get it wouldn't. Really matter how many days we lose. Karina perez

  24. Snow days are the bomb. regardless of the makeup work its worth not having to go to school and gettin to chill...


  25. Kyle Lee says...

    I think snow days are great, they are days that come rarely and I think that we should take full advantage of them. On the school work, I think that teachers should already prepare for snow days in their scedual.

  26. i think snow days are great because we get to miss school but i hate when we get loaded with work.

  27. I love snow days more than anything. There's nothing better than getting time to relax from school even though we miss class time. A lot of grades may slip because of them, but I honestly don't care. I <3 snow. :)

  28. Carol is the Man!!! I mean woman. She even has her own fan page on facebook?? I love getting thoes calls from Williamson County although it puts my mind and academic schedual behind, sometimes it's worth the excitment

  29. JoelC Said...

    Snow days are good. They give people a break from the norm. They give people a day to go outside and play a normal activity in the snow and slush. But with snow days come boring make up work.

  30. whalley...hi :) its thomas

    p.s. snow days are good.

  31. okay, whalley~payne, snow days ARE a good thing. but just like anything, too much of a good thing is a...wait for it...bad thing. I mean you can't argue that snow days are bad, because without them, WilCo would be risking the lives of the kids that may leave near those back roads. I understand why they freak out anytime there's snow, all it takes is for once accident and they'd forever regret not cancelling.

    AND with 10 snow days built into the system, teachers have no right, whatsoever, to freak out and claim to be "behind". they know we have snow. they know we have 10 days built in. take a chill pill, teachers.

  32. I love snow days. Yes, they take time away from learning and it causes us to cram stuff or not go over some things in the end, but I'd rather have to cram than be pulling my hair out because I'm stressed with no days off. Snow Days give us a day to take a break, and kinda just chill for a bit. They're fun and for me, I've gotten to hang out with my family more than usual because of them.
    My response sounds mostly like everyone else's but it's definitely one of those things that's good and bad. I'd rather have a Snow Day than sit in class or have to worry about how I'm getting home.

  33. Harry Taylor thinks.....

    Snow days are great for us students, it allows us to catch up on some of our homework also gives us much needed sleep. its great to relax an have nothing to worry about for the day, but when you get back to school its hell, you have to make up ground that you an your teacher know you wouldn't be able to makeup which is gonna screw up everything that your learning because your not given time to learn those things, with all these things effected by snow days, i would still rather take the snowdays

  34. I think snow days are amazing because its not like we see alot of them in tn. But we have 10 snow days built in to the schedule and as long as we dont go over 10 i dont see a problem in using them since that is what they are there for. But forgeting the work can have a bad effect on our grades. Its both good and bad!

  35. I believe snow days are unfortunate for those who can't handle the stress of "too much" work. Me, personally, it doesn't really matter. I love snow days; espically if I have a project/essay due sometime that week. It's a great way to get the work done. So for those who don't work well under pressured situation.... Tough Luck. College is probably 10x more stressful.

  36. I think snow days are great because it gives you a break from school. The only downside to that is going back to school the next day to make up all of the work.

  37. snow days are nice, even if we have to catch up on schoolwork. it gives us a nice break that everyone can benefit from. we are allowed 10 snow days off so why not use them. snow days are definitely worth it
